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E. LockhartA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Throughout November, the Order is very active. All activities are masterminded by “thealphadog” and attributed to Alpha. Alpha is unhappy about pranks on administration, explaining that he “can’t afford to get in real trouble” (266). He says he won’t do “thealphadog’s” bidding anymore, and she calls his bluff. When Alpha starts to ask questions, Frankie ignores him. Alpha still doesn’t know the identity of “thealphadog,” and this frustrates him.
Sylvia Kargman, an alum and parent, is scheduled to speak to students. Her company donated the money for cafeteria renovations, and that’s why all the vending machines have food from Kargman’s company. Matthew explains that Kargman is the reason all the food is processed and why there are no fresh vegetables or fruit. So, Frankie invents the Society for Vegetable Awareness, Promotion, and Information Delegation (VAPID), and she emails Bassets their instructions for the Canned Beet Rebellion. Next, she communicates the VAPID’s demands for a fresh salad bar, entreating students to wear “VAPID” buttons and stickers in solidarity.
After Kargman’s speech, she receives a button, too, and a caterer delivers a gigantic basset hound made of vegetables. The next day, Kargman donates the money for the salad bar. Frankie is thrilled, completely absorbed by her position as “the commander in chief of a squad of older boys, sending them on adventures that [shake] Alabaster to its foundations” (275). That night, she doesn’t follow Matthew to his Basset meeting because she already knows what he’s doing.
Frankie and Matthew make tentative plans for him to visit her on the Friday after Thanksgiving. However, as the holiday grows closer, he tells her he’s busy with Alpha. Matthew seems reluctant to let her join them. She realizes that no matter what she does, Matthew will never prioritize her. Then, she finds a printout of the emails between her and Porter in Matthew’s backpack.
At Thanksgiving, Frankie’s uncle ruffles her hair and calls her “Bunny Rabbit.” Her mother calls her “adorable,” and another uncle remembers the “dolly” she dragged everywhere. Ruth is glad Frankie has a “nice guy to take care of [her]” at school (281). Though Ruth insists she’s a feminist “like anyone,” she worries less about Frankie now that she has a boyfriend to “watch out” for her (282). Frankie accuses Ruth of underestimating her.
Frankie realizes that Porter must have printed those emails for Matthew. The Basset hierarchy means Matthew should “control” Porter, but Porter seems unwilling to submit.
In the next few weeks, the Order steals the Guppy and replaces it with a large plastic basset hound. The ransom note Frankie writes demands the cessation of mandatory meetings in the chapel, arguing that students ought to be able to learn about sports, fundraisers, and dances in the auditorium. Rather than anger Old Boy donors, who love the Guppy, administration concedes, and the Order puts the Guppy in the empty swimming pool inside the old gym. Frankie longs to discuss her “projects” with Matthew because she values his opinion most. She claims it’s “perfect” how the Guppy, a symbol of Alabaster, is found in an old swimming pool because it suggests that the school and its values are obsolete. Matthew hadn’t considered this, but he proceeds to correct her grammar and tells her she’s “thinking too much” (291). Later, he teases her about her error, calls her “adorable,” and wants to make out; she tells him she just remembered something she has to do.
Frankie recalls that she left the twine in the tunnels, and she needs to retrieve it because none of the Bassets will think about it. They need her, she thinks. However, as she follows the twine, she feels lonely rather than superior. Matthew and his friends don’t care about the pranks’ symbolism; they only care about their secrecy and “clubbiness.” They enjoy the thrill of rebellion without risking their privilege, unwilling to upset the status quo.
When Frankie feels the twine slacken, she realizes someone is at the other end; someone else cared enough to come for it. Frankie moves toward the wall and burns her arm on a steam pipe. Emerging from the tunnel, she grabs her stuff and runs into the library. When she sees guards preparing to enter the basement, she asks what’s going on. They reference the recent campus “vandalism,” calling Frankie “little lady” and telling her not to worry her “pretty head” about it (299).
Frankie’s burn is bad; it is the second burn she sustained on the Order’s behalf. She runs it under a cold shower, overhearing Trish tell Star that Alabaster is bringing in security experts to figure out who is perpetrating the pranks. When Frankie goes to her room, she tells Trish she fell into the pond, but Trish knows she’s lying.
The guards find Alpha in the tunnel. The Order’s history book fell out of Frankie’s coat pocket when she fled, and its presence incriminates Alpha further. The next day, Frankie goes to the infirmary, and Matthew visits her. She tells him he underestimates her, which he denies. She tries to get him to tell her about the Order and its role in the pranks. Instead, he says Alpha is responsible; he was found in the tunnel, and he’s being expelled. Frankie is shocked, but Matthew claims the board sees Alpha as “expendable” because he’s on scholarship. Matthew says the headmaster questioned Matthew and the other members, but they don’t know anything: Frankie knows this is a lie. He says Porter turned over their emails as evidence.
Frankie realizes Matthew will never tell her the truth; worse, he would never suspect her of orchestrating everything. So, she confesses, explaining that she wanted to prove that she’s as smart as they are. However, Matthew tells her she’s “sick” and can’t believe she lied. When she counters that he lied, too, he excuses it as “being loyal” to his friends. He blames her for Alpha’s expulsion, and she argues that Alpha could have told the Order that he didn’t write the emails. She says that Matthew could tell administration about his role in the pranks. He calls her “crazy,” and she points out that he thought it was “brilliant” when he thought Alpha was responsible. Matthew leaves to turn her in.
Matthew reports Frankie, and she’s called to Headmaster Richmond’s office. He requests Frankie’s letter of confession. Zada knows Senior will be irate, and Frankie wonders if he’ll remove her from Alabaster. Although she hates its panoptical nature and patriarchal values, she also wants the power she’ll have as an Alabaster alum. Zada suggests that “Bunny” needs to be on medication and to talk to a counselor.
On her way to class, Frankie sees Porter, who says he didn’t know she was responsible when he turned in the emails. He still wants to protect her. He admits he was a spy; he was supposed to keep an eye on Alpha, as Richmond knew he could cause trouble. Alpha has a long rap sheet of rule infractions. Richmond knew Porter was failing biology, and he said he could make the problem go away if Porter agreed to help him. Richmond didn’t know about the Bassets until Porter joined, which wasn’t hard because his father and older brother were members. Porter says the boys are “clubby” and “old school,” and they always bothered him. He tells Frankie she was “brilliant.”
The narrator claims Frankie is like a neglected positive—an unappreciated mind inside a body that gets all the attention. She doesn’t get expelled, but she and Alpha are put on probation. Frankie knows an Alabaster education and connections are too valuable to give up, though Matthew and his friends are lost to her. Her family doesn’t know how to treat her now.
Over winter break, Alpha emails Frankie. He’s angry, but he also recognizes her “genius.” He says he took credit for the pranks because they were “brilliant.” He realizes he significantly underestimated her, but he doesn’t think she’s a “nice person.” Frankie wonders if impressing him was her actual goal all along. She decides she retains more power by not responding to his email.
Frankie realizes she doesn’t need to be liked. Ruth and Zada insist she attend counseling to deal with her “aggression.” The narrator calls Frankie an “off-roader” who longs to disrupt the social order. People who do this often “go crazy” because the world tells them they are wrong; if they give up, then that can drive them “insane.” The narrator recognizes Frankie’s privilege, which will open doors for her, and the narrator hopes Frankie will successfully open the closed doors she tries. For now, she behaves as people hope she will.
One day, Frankie overhears the Bassets planning another party, and part of her wishes she could go. She calls to Matthew, who clearly wishes to avoid her. She offers to return his T-shirt, but he feigns forgetfulness and tells her to keep it; she realizes he’d rather lose the shirt than interact with her. Ultimately, she feels it’s better to be alone than be with someone who can’t understand her.
Frankie becomes more aware of The Inflexibility of Unwritten Social Rules About Female Conduct as she masterminds the Order’s activities and shares in their power. The serious burn that she sustains from the steam pipe in the basement symbolizes the consequences of breaking the rules that inform power dynamics between the sexes. As a girl, she is not expected to be intelligent, deceptive, or subversive, which is why Matthew immediately cuts her from his circle when she confesses. The consequences of breaking the social rules are far more severe than those of breaking the school rules; she gets only probation when she takes responsibility for conceiving of the pranks. However, she faces social ostracization, which is more difficult to deal with. Her burn represents her social struggles: It requires medical attention and leaves a “wicked scar from elbow to wrist” that she tries to hide (338). This more severe burn is a contrast to the minor burn Frankie sustained early in the novel when she set her party instructions alight, as Matthew directed her to. This small injury led Matthew to insist on holding her hand to “protect” it from greater harm, emphasizing the helplessness and obedience he—and his friends—find desirable in girls.
Another symbol in this chapters is the Guppy, which “represents the old-fashioned values of the school” (291). By “putting it into the dry pool,” Frankie intends to highlight that “those values are old and useless, the way the pool is” (291). Frankie intended the prank as criticism of the school’s patriarchal values, like she had with the brassieres. However, just as others struggled to make sense of the bras’ placement—or failed to realize they had a deeper meaning—Matthew’s cohort does not consider the potential symbolism of the Guppy prank either. Ironically, Alpha gets it, and he’s also the one who tries to retrieve the twine so the Bassets don’t lose access to the tunnels. His lack of financial and family privilege likely renders him more perceptive to the school’s double standards and the society it represents. He still has male privilege, but he lacks the wealth and family power the other boys enjoy, bringing him nearer to Frankie in terms of power and status, giving them both reasons to be dissatisfied with the status quo.
Frankie’s experiences highlight the theme of The Influence of Covert Misogyny on Female Identity. She is constantly underestimated by her family and her peers, who are convinced she is naïve, helpless, and innocent and that these qualities make her likable. Her family calls her “Bunny Rabbit,” a nickname that Frankie finds affectionate but disrespectful since it presumes she is adorably helpless. Her uncles joke that it was just “[last] year” that they were “changing [her] diapers” (280), once again refusing to acknowledge her intelligence and independence. Even her mother, Ruth, refers to her as “adorable” and repeatedly comments on how much better she feels now that Frankie has a “nice guy to watch out” for her at school (282).
Matthew, too, calls Frankie “adorable,” and he would never imagine that she could be responsible for the Order’s pranks. He doesn’t give her that much credit. Even the school guards who don’t know her underestimate her on sight—they call Frankie “little lady” and tell her not to worry her “pretty head” about the pranks (299). Their attitude shows that most people expect young women to be harmless and helpless; unlike young men, who can choose to identify with a diverse range of traits and values, young women are put into a box. This ties in with the theme of The Inflexibility of Unwritten Social Rules About Female Conduct: When women break these assumptions, they are punished by society. Frankie experiences this after she confesses to Matthew. Even Alpha, who concedes that she was “brilliant,” still says she might be “psychopathic.” Zada, too, thinks Frankie needs counselling. Their attitudes show that by breaking the rules about female conduct, Frankie is seen as an aberration.
By E. Lockhart